Flexible job with great pay

Low-key, flexible, low-pressure job as a live-in helper for a disabled woman writer in Portland, Oregon. Apply.


Low-key, flexible, low-pressure job. Make simple meals, take care of the house (daily light clean-up, organization, maintenance—someone else comes to clean most weeks), grocery shopping, occasional errands, light laundry, and other tasks. A small amount of personal care. A car is essential unless you have a good plan for doing these tasks without one. Must be 18 or older (retired is fine, too!), vaccinated and “boosted.” Your most important part of the job is to be here and commit to helping make this a COVID-safe home and environment.

Pay + Benefits

$700 a week (a bit over $3,000 a month) salary plus free rent and utilities. You’ll have a living room and bedroom on the second floor by yourself. Rooms are furnished. Bonus of $3,000 at completion of each six-month stint.


General life experience. Most similar job would be a nanny (though your employer is very well behaved, promise).


Approximately 35 – 40 hours of work per week. You won’t be “on” the entire time. While hours may vary a bit each day, generally you’ll work 10am – 1pm (assuming you’re organized), an hour or so at dinnertime, and perhaps 30 minutes in the evening and the rest is alone time, except for occasional brief interruptions. A few times a week there will be short errands (including grocery shopping) and small household projects.

Start date

End of August 2023, with a rock-solid six-month or longer commitment. (If you’re the person for this job but the timeframe doesn’t work for you, please specify that on the application.)

You’re perfect for the job

You are thoughtful, like to laugh, and make rock-solid commitments. You’re a body-positive person who just thinks bodies are bodies. You are highly observant, thorough, and absolutely trustworthy.

The job is perfect for you

You take online classes or have an online job, or maybe are an artist or writer—or you just want to have a quiet job without constant COVID exposure, commutes, customers, or pressure. You want to save a lot of money to make your dreams come true or to pay off your debts—and with no living expenses, this is your chance. Oh, and if you have a (reasonably well-mannered) dog, that’s fine!

A previous helper spent her 6 months going online to finish her Master’s and teach classes. She saved her pay, bought a car, and went on to travel to Europe! Another helper is an actor who moved to Portland for this job and saved money while looking online for projects. The current person wanted this time to just chill, self-reflect, devote time to being with her dog, and work on some low-key crafts and other personal projects. What you do in your “off” hours during your time here is up to you!

This household is wholeheartedly non-discriminatory. We welcome LGBTQIA+ applicants.

Apply for this job

How you can help

Even if you’re not the person for this job, you might know someone who is! That might be a relative in college, a former nanny, a coworker’s sister, a “starving artist,” or a neighbor. The best way to help would be to copy the job description above and paste it into a Facebook post to your friends and family, including a link to this page so the perfect person that you know can apply directly. Thank you in advance for spreading the word!